Saturday, January 24, 2009

'No God' advertisements banned in Italy-A difference of perspectives


Can you guess why??If not, scroll down to read the story.

It is a 'No God' advertisement launched by the Atheists (people who don't beleive in God) in Italy.In the photograph, the Atheist bus campaign creator Ariane Sherine poses in front of a bus. The advertisement reading"The bad news is that God doesn't exist but the good news is that you don't need him."were to be put in the northern cities of Genoa, where the catholic cardinal, head of the Italian Bishop's conference resides. On the contrary the Atheists have been running these advertisements in the city buses of Barcelona,Washington and London.For more information click on this link.

According to Giorgio Villella of The Italian Union of Atheists and Rationalist Agnostics (UAAR).
"Right-wing politicians criticized us ferociously, It's strange that in a country where ads depicting near-naked women wearing skimpy lingerie is permitted on buses that we can't run ads about atheism,"

Some other views of people from all over the world,

'The Italian government really has no concept of freedom of speech. It's a shame, really.'

'Keep on fighting, Italian free-thinkers, we support you!'

For viewing more reactions go to the following link.

Moreover, in the context of the 'No God' advertisement, the Atheists have raised a very valid question.If a country can allow advertisements with ladies wearing skimpy clothes then what is the harm in having their ads being put on the city buses.I agree with them on this point. If everyone has the freedom of expression then the Atheists also have the right to voice their opinion.Banning the advertisement was Italy's perspective which brings me to the concepts learned in the communication class.

A perspective is a coherent set of assumptions about the way a process operates-(Thinking Through Communication,SarahTrenholm).There are four perspectives of communication.They are; Psychological, Social constructionist, Pragamatic and Cultural Studies.

Psychological perspective deals with the individual aspect where as Social Constructive deals with the people in the world as a whole.In Pragmatic perspective, the communication is considered as a game in which the individuals make individual moves or acts.In Cultural studies the relationship between communication and power is studied.Each perspective has its pros and cons.

Banning the above advertisement falls under the Cultural Studies perspective where the atheists use the advertisemt to promote atheism in a large scale .Theses days there is a growth in the number of people moving away from organized religions to being spiritual or atheists.Hence Italy must have banned the advertisements as it would have a negative impact on the people which is quite acceptable from their perspective.Here is a look at the top 50 countries with the highest percentage of athesists in the year 2005 .

After understanding the different perspectives and Italy's concern of the growth in the number of atheists, I still think Italy should not have banned the advertisement. Now the question arises; Did Italy take the right step in banning this advertisement?


  1. This is a good example to show how cultures and religious belief’s are followed in different parts of the world, some might believe that by having these kind of ads around in the cities would make the people loose their beliefs. Because of certain rules n regulations by the government its banned, but I believe it depends on each individual’s views on how they are actually influenced by these kind of ads.

  2. Another example of double-standards by governments around the world. It really is unfortunate that these advertisements are banned by the Italian government. Everyone has his/her right to freedom of expression. I, for one, can account that am not an aethist. & neither will such posters make me question my faith in God. I certainly don't vouch for such advertisements to be banned.

  3. First of all thank you Sushy and Anupam for the comments.

    It is true that it depends on the individual on how they perceive the advertisement.But at the same time one cannot overlook the fact that many people are drifting away from their respective religions.Hence Italy must have taken this drastic step.This is quite debatable though..From the above two comments, it is obvious the advertisement shouldn't be banned.

  4. Ok firstly well written article.Secondly,I agree with the steps taken by the Italian Government. This poses a very negative message for those who believe in God.It would be a bad influence on the younger generation."The bad news is that God doesn't exist but the good news is that you don't need him." Their stating that God doesn't exist which for the ones who do believe in God would know that's not true. These types of campaign's shouldn't be displayed where it meets the eye easily. Its degrading religion, if some one had to put that line across me I for sure would get quite agitated.

  5. Thank you for the comment Cynera:))

    This is intersting as you are in favour of the ban of the advertisement unlike Sushy and Anupam.I agree that the ad might pose a negative message for the people but everyone has a right to voice their opinion.As stated by Anupam that such kind of ads would never let him question his faith on God even though he is not an atheist.Well this ban has been very controversial.........

  6. i m a very pragmatic person...i like to believe live and let live..
    one advertisement about 'no god existing' shouldnt question or shake up others beliefs, if does than your faith isnt strong everyone has the right to voice their views.this advertisement doesnt influence anybody from drifting away from could be religious even without believing in god...its to be understood what makes every religion uniques is their beliefs and faith, customs and rituals not which form of god to pray...i believe banning is a option only when the mass is provoked to be antisocial...anything supporting terrorism etc..but this is a very individualistic opion something that shld be simply agreed with or ignored!

  7. nobody would disagree 2 the fact that everyone is free to exercise his right to liberty of speech, expression etc..its easy for us to claim its ok.. but guys here we are talking about a govt..a body which is answerable to an entire nation that consists of both atheists and more of theists.such ads have teh potential to create a mass upheaval. its a safe, wise and considerate decision by the italian govt and i stand by it..

  8. Yes,everybody has his right for expression,speech and all.God as such or rather belief in God is quite a topic,no offense on those who believe in Him but how can we be sure that He exists??I on my part have never felt that but yeah,i never scuffle with persons who believe in Him!My parents are God-fearing but i firmly think its we who design our future,belief in God maybe is good but as most of our society thinks if you dont believe believe in Him,u disrespect people.That certainly isnt a handsome theory!!And commenting on the Italian Government's actions,am sure an apology is soon coming!

  9. In a democratic country every individuals has right of speech & expression.Accordingly as Italy is a democratic country Atheists there advertised The God does not exist.The freedom of Speech & expression does not give right to express which will create chaos in the society leading to legal complications & unlawful incidents. Though the earlier govt. of communist countries like Russia & East europian countries had baned religious activities the moment they became democratic country the same govt allowed religious activities.As in our society theist are more in nos. to advertise The God does not exist is not advisable & by banning the same govt of Italy has right massage to the society.

  10. In a democratic country like Italy people differentcaste,creed colour and culture live together.everyone has right to religion.Faith in God is purely subjective.Persons react to any issue according to their social,political ,psychological point of view.Faith in god does not crate disharmony in the society.Govt of italy has taken the right step by banning the advertisement asit will lead to unnecessary controversy.

  11. A girl wearing skimpy clothes I guess cannot be equated to aethists proclaiming that there is NO GOD..even though freedom of speech may be considered as one important aspect , I personally feel that such people cannot publicise things that may condemn others feelings and I strongly support Italy for having bannned such activities..

  12. Thank you all for spending some of your valuable time for posting the comments.

    Ashirwad,I personally believe in the existence of a supernatural power i.e God.I share the same views with Aksnsubi and this advertisement would never make me question my faith on God.Furthermore, everyone has the freedom of religion and the liberty to believe in God or to be an atheist.In fact this ban has faced a lot of criticism from people.Sushree,Sanu ,Mamuli and Sukanya, just as a coin has two sides there are some people who believe in God and some who don't.So I don't think that this advertisement would lead to any type of mass upheaval.On the contrary the ban would provoke the atheists which could hamper the country's peace and harmony.

  13. In some awful, strange, paradoxical way, atheists tend to take religion more seriously than the practitioners.
    Athiests should be happy that world still allows them to play their drums anywhere they want.. It's just they should know the limit when they try to cross some boarders... Religion is someting quite sensitive to's far more deeply connected to everyone than anything at the end of the day...

    So, whatever breaks that harmony, implanting inconsistency in a system, leaving unnecessary arguments among the community by alluring negative impact to a country...will not last long and will have to be handled to the best possible way. So I am guessing here, Italy did what should be done!

    - Had an abundant time here. You have attracted a good flow of paper war from lot of great minds :) Well done Srutakirti, and keep your 'fruitful' work up! - Cheers!

  14. Thank you Dilolo for your thought provoking comment!

    I do agree that people should stay within their limits, but in this case, the atheists are just voicing their opinion. The whole problem can be traced back to the Fundamental rights of the citizen which allows Freedom of Speech. If the advertisemnt is not banned in London, Barcelona and Washington, then why in Italy????????I don't find people protesting in these cities. So, I guess it is just a matter of faith.

    Thank you once again for your encouragement!!!!!
