Sunday, January 18, 2009

'We are what we repeatedly do'

This is my first blog entry and I am quite excited as well as nervous about it. As we begin an essay with a proverb, I am writing my first entry on a quote.
'We are what we repeatedly do'.This is one of Aristotle's famous quotations.I came across it when my Communication Teacher was briefing us about the definition and the history of communication.

In the class there was a discussion or rather an argument whether it is true or not.Some agreed and some didn't.I fell into the former category.If we analyze the quote then I think what we do in our daily lives is the real us.What we are is reflected in our behavior and mannerisms.For example;if a person constantly bites his nails ,it shows that he is nervous or anxious.Another example would be, people who constantly look in the mirror shows that they are very particular about their looks.

Those who didn't agree with the quote did put forward some valid points.Some said that people have unique traits in them and it is not necessary that what they repeatedly do reflects in their behavior.It might be due to compulsion.For example;people who cook doesn't mean that they enjoy cooking.They might be doing it as they have no other choice.

The debate can go on but this quote left a lasting impression on my mind.


  1. Am glad you follow the best of the quotes!and i truly agree on what you have written.What we do is consciously done so as people would like us,its not the real us.But see,no child is born knowing how to behave or carry himself.He learns it gradually from his surroundings and it is needless to say there are enough elements in the society which promote not-so-likeable features.And once you learn something good or bad you tend to carry on with that!And yeah,on that cooking example,more than half the world's housewives don't enjoy cooking but do it daily,i can bet on that!

  2. i would agree with you on the context you mention.. but what bout mistakes?
    a wise man would never repeat his mistakes and thats where the saying takes a back seat.. besides,people can really put up a false image and pull it off really well.. so you cannot judge a person on just the basis of his actions.. there is a lot more to it..
    well... a good blog to kickstart!!

  3. I agree with u on this context, but it doesn't always hold true.
    Any normal human being would repeatedly do what they like or something that they are fond of. But there are examples which proves this quote wrong.
    As the person above me has so aptly pointed out that we make mistakes. Some commit more error than others. But that doesn't necessarily mean that these people enjoy commiting mistakes & repenting later..

  4. It is good to know that most of you agree with the quote.As far as the mistakes are concerned,if a person is careless he will surely commit mistakes frequently unlike a meticulous person.I don't agree that people can fake up an image for a long time.Ultimately they will be in their actual form.Anyway thanks for the comments!

  5. yea i agree ...i mean most of my habits realli make me the person that i am...repeating mistakes as u mentioned earlier are also in a trend a they kind of show how careless u are..besides apart from the daily chores we do things that mostly please us,and our likes and dislikes are what makes us different from one another so yea..what we do repeatedly make us who we are!!

  6. "Sow an act...reap a habit; Sow a habit...reap a character; Sow a character...reap a destiny"
    Yes i agree.Our actions build our personality and that is how people know us.We cant be faking ourselves for long.If we are doing some things deliberately that means we enjoy doing it..It becomes a habit.for eg..If a person is fond of writing and writes a lot ,he might be destined to become a succesful our deeds decide who we are!

  7. Thank you Aksnsubi and Shilpa for taking out time from your hectic schedules and posting a comment.

    I agree with the both of you.The proverb 'Sow an act reap a habit,sow a habit reap a character,sow a character reap a destiny' sums up the whole point that we are what we repeatedly do.

  8. It is not correct that "We are what we reapetedly do".A home maker cooks every day but she may not like cooking, similarly a Chef cooks in the Restuarent doesnot mean he will like to cook in his own house.Some one is begging does not mean he likes begging.sometimes individuals laughs or cry just to be accepted by the group present that time.So persons many times under compulasion do activities against their own wishes.

  9. I disagree with Aristotle's statement.In this stressful world people do many things against their wishes.In order to earn bread & butter person has to compromise with the personality.A comedian who makes others laugh daily may be a serious person. A marketing personnel who coax & deals with the customer very politely may not necessarily a cool & calm individual in real life.So mundane daiy activities do not reflect real personality.

  10. If we are wat we repeatedly do,
    dunt you think we become predictable....and more to it....if we do repeat the same thing- calling it HABIT where is the art of creativity or lateral thinking or risking a new thing ?

  11. Well I guess your first impression about this quote comes on how your mind see it through overall experience and knowledge that you have gained so far regardless its creative, lateral or analytical...etc. I mean, look at it, it's said by Aristotle. So when such a person has stated it, you already have that mind set this must be something to do with positive actions that we take. My point is that it simply tells you excel in things you repeatedly experience. After time you a pro at it and you do it without your knowing, becomes a habit. I'll be back..

  12. Yea..I do agree with the context,It’s our choices and the action behind them that creates the person,so what you do best describes who you are.

  13. “First we make our habits, then our habits make us.” ~Charles C. Noble....

    I think about this quote in the positive way,It’s helped me get through many self-defeating ideas about what I can and can’t do, especially in regards to what I’ve been taught how to do and what I’ve learned on my own. In that sense, it’s very empowering.But there’s a large chasm between what people say they’re doing and what they’re actually doing.

  14. Well thank you Sanu,Mamuli,Sukanya,Dilolo,Samanth and Debashis for the comments.

    Well I agree that sometimes we have to do things out of compulsion.But I think this quote focuses more on activities done by choice rather than compulsion.This is very debatable though.

    But from most of the comments, I can draw the conclusion that majority agree with the quote.
